True story: steriods ruined my life

I started working out, like any young kid, around the age of 15. It was also for similar reasons as most young men state. I just wanted to prove to myself that I could do it. In the beginning everything was fine, my muscles grew like water and I was excited about each new pound. But my illusion that I was going to be Rambo was over in three weeks. I kept working out for a while, but after I got a good beating at a local disco, I decided it was no use. But my not working out didn’t last long. It was mainly because there was a „dude“ who commuted to the disco and took his anger out on me. I couldn’t take it, because I was running out of T-shirts, which usually ended up in the trash can when I fought with him. Either torn or so bloody that even Persil wouldn’t wash it off.

So I took up martial arts. But that included the gym. My efforts lasted for a while, and I still wasn’t very good. Even my fellow exerciser noticed and asked me if I was bulking up. I didn’t understand what that meant, so he explained that sprinkling was eating various supplements. When I told him that I didn’t have any, he just laughed at me and within a week brought me some creatine and protein. At first I was careful to follow the dosage on the package, but the more I got stronger, the more I wanted. Finally, some of the changes started to show on me.

I continued to sprinkle for about a year and a half before it stopped working. Stagnation finally caught up with me. I was pretty much sick of it because I kept wanting more. I couldn’t possibly get any more and I was wondering what to get this time. Unfortunately, I had already tried everything from carbs to testosterone, but nothing was helping the way I wanted.

Unfortunately I had quite a few bad friends who had similar problems. However, they solved them in their own way, namely steroids. When I confided my problem, it didn’t take long before I was a „steroid guy“ too. I got the so-called horse steroid. It’s used in horse racing to make horses more powerful. For the first week I didn’t understand how the horses could even run after taking it, as it is injected with a needle into the buttocks and it hurts like the horse really kicked you. However, I quickly got over the pain when I discovered that the needle on the scale had moved 10 kg in a month. It was almost unbelievable how I kept gaining weight. The weight stopped at an incredible 115 kg at 182 cm. I was finally happy. I was still putting on weight, but not as much. But I still had it in my head that if I wanted to, I knew how to help myself. However, I was in a bulking phase, so I was only taking testosterone and creatine. While it was nice to gain so much mass, the strength was nowhere to be found. So I worked really hard and spent all my time in the gym. I was almost sweating blood. And the results didn’t take long. I think it was because I was over-training or over-pumping myself. The gym just stared at me in disbelief, wondering how I could have done so much work in so little time. Even in martial arts training, not many people wanted to pair up with me. Firstly because I was finally a real lump, and also because I got really angry from time to time and then everyone calmed down. Steroids do make some of that mass, but the excess hormones do their thing too.

Even the discos stopped being a place for me to hang out. I used to go to them to fight. I don’t know why, but I enjoyed it. I finally felt like a man when I’d given someone a good thrashing and I didn’t have a scratch.

Unfortunately, one fight ended in battery and a six-month sentence behind bars. That had quite an effect on me. Prison food isn’t much and you don’t get much out of bagging. You can do push-ups and squats out of boredom to keep yourself up, but at my weight it didn’t help much and the pounds came off. You’d think six months isn’t that long, but to me it felt like an eternity, and I think to my body too. When you lose about 20 kilos, you look like a bitch. Your skin sags „beautifully“ and you look 20 years older.

After I finally got free again, I didn’t want to stay that creepy looking „old man“ and I started working out again. I lasted a while without any of that bulking. But really, just for a while. Then I became the old „steroid guy“ again and soon got back to my former weight. I didn’t look like I used to, but I wasn’t the „old man“ anymore.

I continued my bulking life for quite some time and it showed again. This time, I didn’t go to jail, but I did go to the hospital. The use of my miracle pills and needles had an effect on me. Steroids can put on a few extra pounds, but they also play tricks on the inside. My liver and kidneys were devastated and I had respiratory problems from the excess fat. So I had to stop working out again. I spent about two weeks in the hospital and the home treatment lasted about two months. But my liver will never be the same again. I can hardly do anything anymore because of it. Alcohol doesn’t call me sir even on New Year’s Eve and I can’t do any top sports either. It stops when I go to the gym four times a week and my eyes turn yellow for a week. It’s just a cosmetic blemish to those around me, but I have it as a tell-tale sign that I have excess bilirubin that could make me collapse again, which would be unpleasant.

As a summary of this story, I would like to tell everyone that working out is not a bad thing, but it must not be overdone. If you want to bulk up, then bulk up, but don’t sink to the level of „junkie“ like I did. I don’t think I’m the only one with a similar fate, but these people aren’t talked about much. And last but not least, I want to say that you can work out without such products. I’m done with it and I work out just for fun. Do it that way too, it’s much better.
