LTTA Spain
The third LTTA in Spain was attended by the number of participants indicated in the project application. From each partner organisation, three carefully selected youth participants arrived in advance, including disadvantaged persons and one accompanying person. The meeting took place at the Spanish headquarters NGO and its surroundings. The activity traditionally started with team building activities. The third LTTA took the form of workshops, presentations, discussions, learning-by-doing, peer-to-peer learning focused on the issue of hormones and substances that cannot be directly labeled as doping. For example. prohormones available on the European market. Critical thinking was developed among young people to clearly identify the benefits of hormonal products for their potential sporting careers. as inadequate to the health risks involved. Participants learned the difference between physician-indicated hormone therapy with its positive effects on the patient’s health status and the misuse of hormonal drugs by athletes. A physical therapy served as a deterrent example transformation of a number of female professional athletes during their sporting careers, where unlike men, the abuse of hormones reinforces secondary sex characteristics typical of men (increase in muscle mass, pubic hair, irreversible change in voice, change in behaviour, negative consequences for skin health, e.g. skin thickening or acne.) For the consequences of hormonal abuse in men, participants were surprised by the consequences of these vices for the psyche and the negative effects on quality of sex life when combined with steroids. Participants self-identified cancerous diseases as one of the most common negative consequences for the health of users. LTTA programme built on previous LTTAs by addressing the issue of identifying and helping a peer addict in their neighbourhood on drugs, hormones or doping. Texts have been written on LTTA topics in journalistic style. A final LTTA dissemination was held. Participants received certificates of participation and Youthpasses.