In the world of doping, there are no limits to the substances that an athlete can take to improve his or her performance. Substances such as alcohol, steroids, cannabis, stimulants, narcotics, painkillers and diuretics are just some of the long list of substances that can be found.

It is true that the subject of doping analysis has its drawbacks, as each athlete is different and depending on factors such as weight, age or the dose taken can give different results. This list of doping effects shows us all the drawbacks of consuming prohibited substances.

  • Effects on the heart. The consumption of stimulants can increase the arterial pressure of our heart. On the other hand, if narcotics or diuretics are consumed, the rhythm of our heart rate can decrease.
  • Effects on the brain. The effects of doping on the brain can cause very serious and often irreversible damage. If testosterone is taken, dedicated to increasing muscle growth, it also increases sexual desire and ggressiveness to a high degree. With the consumption of stimulants one can show symptoms of nervousness in the whole body. Narcotics can cause our brain to reach thresholds where pain is not felt.
  • Effects on hair. Testosterone use would cause men to suffer from increased body hair and loss of head hair. The effect on women would be the appearance of hair in unwanted areas.
  • Effects on the liver. A further factor in the world of doping is liver problems. High steroid intake could lead to liver failure.
  • Effects on the reproductive system. Taking anabolic steroids can alter hormones and affect sexual development and fertility.
  • Effects on the lungs. Another factor to consider in doping is the intake of diuretics which can cause dehydration.
  • Effects on the kidneys. Growth hormone use can lead to type II diabetes.
Sports doping, anabolic drugs, pills and capsules – shape of a male muscular upper body – symbol for medical drug abuse. Isolated vector illustration on black background.